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PGAI V2 Instructions

This post was most recently updated on December 29th, 2024

PubGuru Ad Inspector (PGAI) is a tool used to identify and resolve issues and opportunities on publisher sites. PGAI’s latest version is built on a large suite of tests that runs periodically on publisher sites.

The goal of PGAI is to notify users about issues that could negatively impact revenue and to alert publishers and PubGuru monetization specialists alike to revenue opportunities.

PubGuru Ad Inspector does automatically run in the background on a small percentage to detect issues but publishers may wish to view the results of the tests and to do so there are two options for running PGAI on a particular page:

  1. For publishers that are already using PubGuru to enhance their advertising revenue, you can add ?pg_debug=true to the website URL
  2. The second option is to run the PubGuru Ad Inspector script directly in the console. This is useful for publishers or pages that are not running the PubGuru script. First, load the site with the URL parameter from the first step attached (?pg_debug=true) Simply open Google Dev Tools, navigate to the Console tab, and paste the code below in before hitting enter. You may need to wait a few seconds for the tests to run.
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
script.src = '';
const target = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
target.insertBefore(script, target.firstChild);


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