Reducing unfilled ad impressions is an important step in increasing ad revenue for a website. Unfilled ad impressions occur when there are no bids or ads available to fill the ad space on a website. This can lead to a loss of potential ad revenue for the website. This blog post breaks down how publishers can monetize their unfilled impressions and maximize ad revenue through it.

First of all, let’s find out the reason behind unfilled impressions due to high page views per session. There can be a few possible scenarios for a high number of unfilled impressions.

Increase in session depth resulting in less interest from advertisers with each increase of pageview during a session. As a user navigates through a website, they may spend more time on the site and visit more pages. This can lead to an increase in the number of page views per session. Advertisers may be less willing to pay for ad space on these deeper pages, leading to unfilled impressions.

Less time spent on the page: If users are spending less time on a page, the viewability of ads on that page may decrease. This means that the ads are less likely to be seen by users, which can lead to lower CPM (cost per thousand impressions) rates and an increase in unfilled impressions. This can ultimately result in a loss of ad revenue for the website.

Low unique reach: If a website has a low unique reach, it means that a smaller number of unique users are visiting the site. This can make it more difficult for advertisers to reach their target audience, which can lead to unfilled impressions as there may be a lack of interest from advertisers in buying ad space on the website.

Frequency cap: Many direct advertiser campaigns require a frequency cap, which limits the number of times an ad can be shown to a single user. If a website has a high number of returning visitors, the frequency cap may be reached more quickly, which can lead to unfilled impressions as the ad will no longer be shown to that user.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, unfilled impressions can increase due to high page views per session. To increase your website’s ad revenue, we must decrease these unfilled impressions.

Ad optimization techniques to help reduce unfilled impressions

  1. Find advertisers that only focus on brand awareness campaigns. Brand awareness campaigns do not entirely require unique users. Their primary focus is to show their ad multiple times to users so that users get familiar with their brand. These brand awareness campaigns mostly have fixed CPM rates with unlimited impressions.
  2. Google Ad Exchange (AdX) unified pricing should be adjusted to increase AdX coverage to fill unfilled impressions. This can be done by setting a higher bid for ad space on the website, which can make the website more attractive to advertisers.
  3. Find the session depth where the ads start getting unfilled. Unfilled impressions may occur at specific session depths, so it’s important to identify where these unfilled impressions are happening. It’s challenging to track session depth where ads start getting unfilled, but the simplest way to do it is to use Google Ad Manager key-value pairs. It might require some development work. However, once you get the information, you can set up campaigns for higher session depth. Although this process is complicated, unfilled impressions can significantly be reduced following this technique.
  4. Enable AdSense on Dynamic Allocation aka “backfill”. Enabling dynamic allocation can also help to reduce unfilled impressions. This feature allows AdSense to run as a fallback in your ad stack, which can help to fill any unfilled impressions. Partner with MonetizeMore to take advantage of this feature. Without violating Google policies, our technology will enable AdSense to run as a fallback in your ad stack.
  5. Find a 100% fill ad network that targets a global audience. Finding an ad network that targets a worldwide audience and has a 100% fill rate can also help to reduce unfilled impressions. When you do this, make a price priority line item with a 0.01$ CPM rate and target all the Google Ad Manager ad units in that line item so that this line item can catch all the impressions which receive no bids from any advertisers. AdSense and AdX can also be used as a 100% ad network for this purpose. This way, even if no bids are received from other advertisers, the ad network will fill the impression with its own ads.

Granular Floors [MonetizeMore Special]

Granular Floors is the latest MonetizeMore solution that uses machine learning to set individualized and specific floors for specific bidders for individual users. This is especially important for demand sources that prioritize high-impact ads, as well as for high-value and ultra-high-value users.

The impact overall is increased bidding pressure across all participants in the auction and is not only limited to Ad Exchange. It pushes RPMs up in every ad request, without manual intervention. It’s like your Ad Ops helper running in the background, saving you time and generates you more revenue.

Using MonetizeMore’s advanced ad technology has both Granular Floors + AdSense Re-render packaged together, so not only are your RPMs optimized, but you are also monetizing every single ad request and maximizing performance.

AdSense Rerender [MonetizeMore Special]

AdSense Rerender minimizes unfilled impressions by using AdSense as a fallback in the ad stack. It enables publishers to monetize the ad requests, so instead of going unfilled or blank, MonetizeMore’s tech sends the request to AdSense and fills the ad.

This tactic helps publishers monetize their ad inventory more effectively by using AdSense as a fallback option in their ad stack. When an ad request is made and there are no ads available to fill it, our tech sends the request to AdSense, which then provides an ad to fill the space. This helps to minimize unfilled impressions, which can occur when there are not enough ads available to fill all the ad requests on a publisher’s website. By using AdSense Rerender, publishers can increase their revenue by monetizing any impressions that have been left over.


What Now?

By decreasing the number of unfilled impressions, publishers can increase their overall impressions, which means more ads are being shown to users and more revenue is being generated.

There are several techniques that can be used to decrease unfilled ad impressions. These include finding advertisers that focus on brand awareness campaigns, adjusting unified pricing on Google Ad Exchange, tracking session depth to identify where unfilled impressions are occurring, enabling dynamic allocation, partnering with MonetizeMore, and finding a 100% fill ad network that targets a global audience.

By implementing these techniques, publishers can stop worrying about unfilled impressions and ultimately increase their ad revenue.

With some work and know-how, you can monetize unfilled impressions due to high page views. Do you need help setting this up and making sure that you don’t lose out on any more ad revenue? Let MonetizeMore help take your ad revenue to the next level. Sign up today!
